Summarizing his book by the same name, Probe’s Dr. Ray Bohlin critiques both Neo-Darwinism and punctuated equilibrium and offers...
Author Archive for: Dr. Ray Bohlin
The study of human evolution suffers from too few fossils, tunnel worldview vision, powerful personalities, and too much media...
Note: Please read The Little Lamb That Made a Monkey of Us All for the author’s comments on the...
Dr. Ray Bohlin provides a look at the many problems surrounding the idea of safe sex from a Christian,...
As a Christian scientist, Dr. Bohlin is open to examining the theories of both young-earth and old-earth scientists to...
Dr. Bohlin looks at the basic tenets of sociobiology from a biblical worldview perspective. Looking at them as a scientist...
Written by Dr. Ray Bohlin Dr. Bohlin looks at data describing the huge increase in STDs in American, considers...
Darwin on Trial is the title of a book on evolution that has ruffled the feathers of the secular...
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