As a Christian, I find it to be of invaluable importance to remain current and educated in fields of history, science, logic and philosophy, etc. At age 20, I’m confronting more and more difficulty sharing Christ with a generation in a secularized society that will less and less have Him. Any books you might recommend? Thank you!
There are many good books and websites which address the concerns you have in one way or another. However, let me recommend two books and three websites that have personally been very helpful to me over the years.
1. An excellent popular-level book on apologetics and evangelism is I’m Glad You Asked by Ken Boa and Larry Moody – available here.
2. A superb intermediate-level apologetics book is Reasonable Faith (3rd edition) by William Lane Craig – available here.
3. An excellent popular-level website on apologetics is the Probe Ministries website here:
4. An excellent scholarly-level site (with some popular-level material) is the Reasonable Faith site here:
5. Finally, a really great site for biblical and theological issues is
I hope these resources prove helpful as you continue to prepare yourself to give an account to all who ask about the hope that you have in Christ!
Shalom in Christ,
Michael Gleghorn
Probe Ministries
Posted 2012
© 2012 Probe Ministries
Post Views: 3,513
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Dr. Michael Gleghorn is both a research associate with Probe Ministries and an instructor in Christian Worldview at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona.. He earned a B.A. in psychology from Baylor University, a Th.M. in systematic theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. in Theological Studies (also from Dallas Theological Seminary). Before coming on staff with Probe, Michael taught history and theology at Christway Academy in Duncanville, Texas. Michael and his wife Hannah have two children: Arianna and Josiah. His personal website is
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