June 16, 2011 Dear Renea, I work with a wide variety of Christians in a largely Evangelical area. Some...
Archive for category: Theology and Philosophy
Steve Cable examines four types of cultural captivity that holds Christians in bondage: naturalism, legalism, mysticism and asceticism. Problem...
Kerby Anderson provides an overview of ways in which American Christians are culturally captive: individualism, consumerism, racism, church growth...
I have just read Pat Zukeran’s article “Four Views of Revelation.” I believe he has done a rather good...
Warm greetings from cold, cold Belarus, a country which is part of the former Soviet Union (between Poland and...
Feb. 3, 2011 E’s email is a response to the post “Glee-tastic!“ Ms. McKenzie Don’t think Glee’s overt sexuality...
May 1, 2009 I am so excited about this. It just came in the mail from Amazon, and I...
Mar. 9, 2010 The email below titled “Should Christians Respect Obama?” was forwarded to me. Perhaps you’ve seen it...
Frederick Buechner is one of my favorite authors, probably top five. He’s a brilliant storyteller, who, like Shakespeare, understands...
Apr. 9, 2010 We live in the tension between contentment and craving. Whether you are married or single or...
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