Cheating in the Schools According to a study by Rutgers University, over 70% of all university students admit they...
Archive for category: Theology and Philosophy
Rick Rood helps us understand the challenging question of evil and why it is allowed to remain in this...
Don Closson provides an overview to how naturalism, pantheism and Christian theism view human nature. He discusses questions considering...
There are terrible implications if truth is relative instead of absolute. Tolerance has become the ultimate virtue, especially on...
Don Closson provides a summary of the process through which the books of the New Testament were selected by...
Jimmy Williams provides analysis of the Jesus Seminar findings in light of five critical areas: Identify purpose of the...
Kerby Anderson provides an insightful look at the important topic of false guilt. He helps us look at the...
Liberal Idealism’s Approach to Ethics Ben and Jerry’s ice cream is renown for being the ice cream for those...
Jerry Solomon considers many popular slogans to see how they are designed to influence our thinking. Taking a biblical,...
Dr. Bohlin examines the message of Jurassic Park, bringing out some of the underlying messages on science, evolution, new...
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