Here are some other sites that we suggest are worth checking out.
Worldview Academy

Worldview Academy is a non-denominational ministry committed to training students and parents to think and live in accord with the Christian worldview. They pursue this mission via three primary programs: WVA Leadership Camps, week-long camps that train and equip students 13 and older; “Mere Christianity” Worldview Weekends, providing the same basic education for adults and teens at host churches nation-wide; and educational resources.

Worldview Matters

Which Way Does Your Worldview Compass Point? Like a compass pointing north, a worldview provides the bearings a person needs for determining which direction to take when any issue is faced. The only problem is, not every worldview points north. “Think Again!” is a multi-media, interactive workshop that clarifies the latitude and longitute lines of a biblically based worldview.

Christian Information Ministries

Bill Crouse and Russ Wise are former Probe staff members who have written prodigiously on a number of current issues from a Christian perspective. Bill also offers the Rapid Response Report, an analysis of important issues in our culture today that you can read online or receive by e-mail:

Leadership University

LU has an awesome amount of information on a wide variety of topics of interest to high school and college students. This is a terrific resource for those seeking a Christian perspective. Note: the website is no longer being updated, but the content is still available. Click here for an alpha listing of articles.

Stand to Reason

Greg Koukl’s ministry is building Christian thinkers for the public defense of the faith. This site has articles on abortion, apologetics, ethics, evolution, homosexuality, philosophy, life, science, social issues, and theology.

Spiritual Counterfeits Project

For years, SCP has been providing in-depth Christian perspective on the enemy’s deceptions and schemes in arenas ranging from near-death experiences to virtual reality to the latest New Age trends.

Access Research Network

Visit this site for a responsible, Christian perspective on science, technology and society. The folks at ARN have been friends of Probe for a long time.

Vital Signs Ministries

Vital Signs Ministries is a Christ-centered pro-life agency, created to help tell the truth about abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, chastity and other life issues. They are a group of Christians who genuinely desire to obey God’s commands to seek justice for those threatened by the death ethic which now rampages through our culture.

The Things That Matter Most (and I-Tunes)

Airing on major talk radio stations in Houston and Dallas, this program explores what we believe and why we believe it with guests as diverse as theologian R.C. Sproul and atheist Sam Harris. Each week hosts (longtime worldview friend of Probe) Lael Arrington and Rick Davis explore scholarly evidence and fascinating personal stories about God and eternity, reason and faith, purpose and meaning with both skeptics and true believers. Select Listen to shows to download archived programs on Christianity.

Bible Study Tools is the largest free online Bible website for verse search and in-depth studies. You can create personalized Bible Studies with the ability to highlight Scripture, save notes in the margin and search and compare 31 versions side by side on a split-panel screen, all for free. Includes: Over 30 different Bible translations; Bible translations in Spanish, French, German, Italian and Dutch; Apocrypha books in different versions; Bible Commentaries including Matthew Henry, Scofield and Wesley; Concordances from Nave, Strong, Torrey and others; Popular dictionaries of the Bible including Baker’s Evangelical, Easton’s, and Smith’s; Biblical Encyclopedias; Church history writings like Fox’s Book of Martyrs and those of Flavius Josephus; Greek and Hebrew Lexicons; Bible Maps and guides for bible study.

Kerby Anderson Recommends. . .

Abortion Facts []

Wallbuilders []

Town Hall []

Heritage Foundation []

National Review []

Freedom Works []

Media Research Center []

One News Now []

Family Research Council []

American Family Association []

National Right to Life []

Christian Coalition []

Concerned Women for America []

National Religious Broadcasters []

Moody Bible Institute []

Christian Broadcasting Network []

Leadership University []

World Magazine []

Traditional Values Coalition []

Eagle Forum []

Favorites of Other Probe Staff…

The Biblical Studies Foundation

This is a treasure trove of biblical commentaries, message/sermon illustrations, well-written essays and even the work-in-progress “NET Bible.” Teachers and pastors will find this a tremendous resource for their preparation.

Living Hope Ministries

Living Hope is a discipleship ministry especially for those dealing with unwanted homosexuality and the family and friends of those either struggling with same-sex desires or actively choosing a gay identity. Their mission is to proclaim God’s truth as they journey with those seeking sexual and relational wholeness through a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Since 1989 Living Hope Ministries has provided a safe place for individuals seeking restoration and healing through weekly support group meetings, moderated online support forums, in-depth discipleship programs, and active partnerships with churches around the world. Excellent articles and testimonies, as well as access to the world’s largest online support groups that are confidential, anonymous, and safe.

The Medical Institute for Sexual Health

The Medical Institute is a nonprofit medical organization founded in 1992 by gynecologist Joe S. McIlhaney, Jr., M.D., designed to confront the world epidemics of nonmarital pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. The only 100 percent effective way to avoid nonmarital pregnancy and STD infection is to avoid sexual activity outside a mutually faithful lifelong relationship — marriage. The Medical Institute believes there is a new sexual revolution underway — one based on science, built on character and bridged through education.

Bible Prayer Fellowship

This organization exists to “share how you can know God intimately and enjoy the abundant life He gives to those who seek Him. We want you to be one of our prayer partners. Together let’s learn to pray prayers that really transform individuals, families, small groups and churches.”

C.S. Lewis Society of California

Good resources for fans of Christian worldview master C.S. Lewis.

Forum of Christian Leaders

The Forum of Christian Leaders online (FOCL) is a web site which presents audio and video recordings of talks by Christian leaders from Europe and America. Recordings come from the annual European Leadership Forum which Rick Wade attended several years, and cover a wide range of topics in such areas as apologetics, discipleship, theology, economics and business, counseling and psychology, education, leadership, and culture and art. The Forum is a place for Christians in leadership positions to interact and support each other, so presenters speak from their own experience in ministry. Presentation formats include answers to specific questions, short talks, workshops, webinars, and longer courses. This is a rich resource!


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