I just wanted to let you know I found it offensive how you describe satanism, buddhism, witchcraft or other religions as a “problem.” The real problem in this world are the people who believe their religion possesess the right to rule the entire planet and they are right and everyone else is wrong…do we try to change the world to reject christianity? In most cases (except the nutballs) no. But the tyranny of christianity finds it to be necessary to try to change everyone to its ways. So much for tolerance…is it any wonder I converted?

Thank you for writing.

I find it interesting that you call our information “offensive” when you had to search it out and come to our server to find it and read it. There’s a big difference between something being different from what you believe, and being offensive. If someone deliberately hurls obscenities or causes nauseating odors within a few feet of you, that’s being offensive. But stating what we believe, especially when there is very good evidence that it is true, isn’t offensive–even though you have the right to take offense at it. But that is your choice, one you have the right to make.

That said, let me address the content of your letter. I get the sense from the hostility of your e-mail that, quite apart from what you read on our website, you have been on the receiving end of some very unloving, disrespectful, manipulative messages on behalf of Christianity. If that is the case, let me say I’m sorry, and let me try to assure you that people who truly understand the person and message of Jesus Christ understand that no one can be coerced into being a Christian; it has to be a freely made choice. We understand that any attempts to “rule the entire planet” are foolish and completely misguided, because God doesn’t work that way–He honors the dignity and choice of the people He made and loves very much.

I will admit, though, that yes, we do believe Christianity is right and all other religions are wrong, but it’s not because we’re so smart or so prideful or so arrogant. We believe it because there’s strong evidence that it is true, it’s our personal experience that it is true, and it is the world view that is most consistent with reality. We also believe it because of revelation: the belief that God has spoken to mankind and has shown us what is ultimately and eternally true, and we’re just agreeing with what God said. If Christianity were a man-made religion, as all other religions and faith systems are, then it WOULD be arrogant and self-serving to believe we are right and all others are wrong. But true Christianity is about relationship, not religion, about a love affair between the one true God, who loves us and courts us.

Because we do believe in absolute truth, and we believe that God has pierced the space-time continuum to show these truths to man, then it makes sense that other religions which deny these truths would be a true, cosmic-grade “problem,” because those who trust in them are misguided, deceived, and headed for an eternity separated from the only One who can give them–give you!!–life.

Were you around when Jim Jones caused a holocaust at his cult compound in Jonestown, Guyana in 1978? He had hundreds of disciples drink Kool-Aid laced with cyanide. If one person had gone around warning the people not to drink the Kool-Aid because it was poisoned, that person would have been labeled a “problem,” when actually the problem was the Kool-Aid (as well as the mind of the cult leader). I think there is a legitimate parallel between the Jonestown tragedy and what we are saying about other religions. I pray you will be intellectually honest and investigate whether the “spiritual Kool-Aid” you’ve been drinking is pure, or poisoned. And I pray you will be able to get past the hurtful, unfortunate experiences you’ve had with people who claim Christianity and check out the true Person of Jesus Christ. See if He’s the real thing. You may find that what you converted FROM isn’t true Christianity at all, but a sad, sad parody of it, that deeply grieves the heart of God.

Sue Bohlin
Probe Ministries

Sue Bohlin is an associate speaker/writer and webmistress for Probe Ministries. She attended the University of Illinois, and has been a Bible teacher and conference speaker for over 40 years. She is a speaker for MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) and Stonecroft Ministries (Christian Women's Connections), and serves on the board of Living Hope Ministries, a Christ-centered outreach to those dealing with unwanted homosexuality. Sue is on the Bible.org Women's Leadership Team and is a regular contributor to Bible.org's Engage Blog. In addition to being a professional calligrapher, she is the wife of Probe's Dr. Ray Bohlin and the mother of a son in San Francisco and another son who joined his baby sister in heaven in 2024.. Her personal website is suebohlin.com.

What is Probe?

Probe Ministries is a non-profit ministry whose mission is to assist the church in renewing the minds of believers with a Christian worldview and to equip the church to engage the world for Christ. Probe fulfills this mission through our Mind Games conferences for youth and adults, our 3-minute daily radio program, and our extensive Web site at www.probe.org.

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  1. nyermen selip 9 years ago

    Your website is a bless to me, for i can hardly find any other source. Lately my fellow muslim claims that bible is corrupted, jesus charaekter was made up by His follower so and so… Now i challenge them to prove Quran in historical context, and never trying to prove Quran by quran which they yet to sought. As for me, im in the process to build my case on jesus’ fact outside the bible. Certainly, i will cited your articles here for my arguments. Thanks. Be Blessed.

  2. josh 6 years ago

    i agree but mrs. sue bohlin there is nothing we can do about it so suck it up butter cup

  3. Zachary Alolabi 5 years ago

    Sue, another part of the decline of civilizations are people that look for something to be offended about. They don’t respect looking through bias and paradigm to build onto what is said about important ideas. I’m offended you are offended, but I wasn’t looking to be offended. Stop being offended.

    • Author
      Sue Bohlin 5 years ago

      Good insight, Zachary!

      I’m also wondering if this isn’t a first-world problem . . .


  4. Michael 2 years ago

    “when there is very good evidence that it is true”

    What evidence? You haven’t presented any. It’s all YOUR BELIEF.

  5. Tony 2 years ago

    Christianity has over 45,000 denominations. You wouldn’t need that many if it was THE TRUTH.

    • Author
      Sue Bohlin 2 years ago

      Hello Tony,

      I respectfully suggest that first, I wonder where you got that number, and second, there can be legitimate differences among people who hold to the same basic beliefs but hold different opinions on the negotiables. And legitimate differences among people coming from different cultures, which would create a variety of worship styles, etc.

      That said, Jesus told us that His heart, and the heart of His Father, is for unity among His followers. So the splintering of people who can’t seem to “agree to disagree” is hurtful to God and a sad indictment on us as Christians.

      But the bottom-line truth of biblical Christianity is that Jesus is God in the flesh, who left heaven to come to earth and show us what His Father is like, who died as a sinless substitute for us, and who rose from the dead. That is all true, and all truly-Christian denominations and churches agree on these basics.


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