“At What Point Is It Lust?”

At what point is it lusting? I often find myself looking at a girl’s back side a lot. But not to the point of looking at her in a sexual way. Just admiring the figure. It sounds stupid, but I know other Christian guys that do it, but I feel convicted every time I casually look at a girl.

There is nothing wrong at first glance with noticing and even admiring that a woman is attractive. God created women to be attractive to men and that’s normal.

Wise people have said that lusting starts when you either give a second look, or you let your look linger. When that happens, it’s usually because you’re filling your eyes on the woman’s physical appearance, not who she is as a person made in the image of God.

You don’t have to be sexually aroused to be lusting. If you’re “looking at a girl’s backside a lot,” you’re headed toward lusting. Allowing your gaze to linger so you can admire a girl’s figure is something that should wait for your wife. It’s a husband’s prerogative, but not anyone else’s. You may be admiring God’s handiwork, but you are letting your eyes rest too long on someone else’s wife, either present or future.

How would you feel if you knew there were guys watching your future wife’s backside?

Hope this helps!

Sue Bohlin
Probe Ministries