Let me begin with a provocative question: Is America going broke? It is a question that has been asked...
Author Archive for: Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson considers the arguments in favor or same-sex marriage from a biblical worldview perspective. He shows that arguments...
Until now I’ve been told that Jesus died at the age of 33 years of age. However your Christmas...
The November 2003 decision by the Massachusetts Supreme Court that gave homosexual couples the constitutional right to marry has...
There are two excellent Web sites that provide Christian reviews of movies: 1. Movieguide www.movieguide.org 2. Crosswalk...
Can you explain the difference between gambling and investing? Thanks in advance. Thank you for your e-mail and question...
Do you have any statistics which indicate the dangers of cohabiting and the results on a relationship? Thank you...
In the late 1940s teachers listed the worst problems they faced in school as chewing gum, running in the...
Should Christians give the pledge of allegiance? Your question is an old one. First century Christians struggled with how...
I have a question concerning your article “Capital Punishment,” in which you discussed the biblical perspective on the death...
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