Religious Trends Over the Last Decade

Probe VP Steve Cable examines some of the findings of the Probe Survey 2020: The Changing Face of Christianity in America. Religious Trends Over the Last Fifty Years In late 2020, Probe administered a new survey{1} to over 3,000 Americans ages 18 through 55 as a follow up to our 2010 survey{2}. Comparing these two surveys reveals a striking decline […]

The Importance of Voting

Kerby Anderson provides reasons why it’s so important for people of faith to exercise our stewardship of voting in what is probably the most consequential election in our lifetime. This election season is like no other in recent memory. This was the first time in more than a century that two presidential candidates, who have served in that office, were […]

Body and Soul in the New Testament

Dr. Michael Gleghorn draws on John Cooper’s book Body, Soul and Life Everlasting to provide an overview of what the New Testament teaches about the body-soul connection. The Teaching of Jesus What does the New Testament teach about the nature and destiny of human beings? In a previous article, I discussed what the Old Testament has to say about these […]

Gen-Z: The Generation That Ends Christian Influence in America?

In order to grow the number of Gen-Z Christians, we need an understanding of ways to build bridges from their pluralistic, secular worldview to seriously contemplating the unique grace of God. Steve Cable draws upon the wisdom of two pastors who are making a real difference in the lives of young adults to address this important topic. What Are Gen-Zs […]

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