Each day Christians are confronted with a bewildering array of choices in ethics, actions, and lifestyles. The only way...
Author Archive for: Kerby Anderson
What does the Bible say about interracial marriages, and what are your thoughts on this subject? The Bible does...
Dear Kerby, I have heard you discuss the topic of historical revisionism on radio. I told my son about...
Christians are increasingly confronted with arguments in favor of sex education in the public schools. Often the arguments sound...
Each year more than three million baby boomers turn 40. Now there is nothing magical about turning 40 per...
This article has been updated. Please see Kerby Anderson’s new article Pornography.
What happens to those who have not heard about Jesus and therefore cannot choose or reject Him? The Bible...
Utilitarianism is an ethical system that determines morality on the basis of the greatest good for the greatest number....
How should a Christian view civil disobedience? Doesn’t Paul’s command to submit to governmental authority in Romans 13 preclude...
Kerby Anderson presents the basics of cultural relativism and evaluates it from a Christian worldview perspective. Comparing the tenets...
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