If you are a Westerner, an American, a non-Muslim, or a Muslim of a different stripe than they, then...
Archive for category: Cults and World Religions
Pagan, Wiccan, and practitioners of New Age religion are turning to belief in a Goddess to express their God-created...
Dr. Patrick Zukeran gives a brief overview of the basic beliefs of Buddhism, covering the doctrine of salvation, eternal...
The Origin of Man’s Religions: Evolutionary Artifact or Remnants of Knowing Our Creator
Dr. Patrick Zukeran,Dr. Zukeran examines different theories on the origin of different religions. Are they made up from different experiences and...
Dr. Michael Gleghorn takes a hard look at the claims of The Urantia Book and finds it lacking in...
Muslims and Christians often misunderstand what the other actually believes about God and salvation. Don Closson attempts to clear...
Michael Gleghorn addresses issues related to reports of UFO and alien sightings. He considers the various possible causes before...
Dr. Pat Zukeran explains why Christians need to be wise and discerning concerning the occult, both recognizing its power...
Dr. Michael Gleghorn offers an overview and critical Christian worldview evaluation of Reiki energy medicine, an alternative health therapy...
Dr. Zukeran looks at the popular activity of marital arts from a biblical worldview perspective. He determines that Christians...
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