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B.S., Oregon State University (Zoology)
M.F.S., Yale University (Science)
M.A., Georgetown University (Government)
Kennedy Institute of Bioethics (Washington, D.C)


Married to Susanne Pardey since 1974, three children.


  • Fossils in Focus (1977)
  • Life, Death and Beyond (1980)
  • Genetic Engineering (1982)
  • Origin Science (1987)
  • Living Ethically In the 90s (1990)
  • Signs of Warning, Signs of Hope (1994)
  • Moral Dilemmas (1998)
  • Christian Ethics in Plain Language (2005)
  • A Biblical Point of View on Islam (2007)
  • A Biblical Point of View on Homosexuality (2008)
  • A Biblical Point of View on Intelligent Design (2008)
  • A Biblical Point of View on Spiritual Warfare (2009)
  • Making the Most of Your Money in Tough Times (2009)

Contributor to the Encyclopedia of Biblical and Christian Ethics (1987, updated 1992), Integrity of Heart, Skillfulness of Hands (1994), Vital Contemporary Issues (1994), Vanity and Meaning (1995), and Christian Educator’s Handbook on Family Life Education (1996). His articles have appeared in Moody Monthly, Eternity, Kindred Spirit, and Bibliotheca Sacra.

General editor and contributor to the Kregel Publications books Marriage, Family and Sexuality (2000) and Technology, Spirituality, & Social Trends (2002).


Lecturer on university campuses around the country, including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, San Jose State University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Colorado, and University of Texas. He has addressed the International Congress on the Bible, the Ligonier Conference, and the American Scientific Affiliation.

Visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, Philadelphia Biblical University, and Temple Baptist Seminary.


Serves as host of “Point of View” (USA Radio Network) heard on 290 radio outlets nationwide as well as on the Internet (www.pointofview.net) and shortwave.

Regular contributor to the “Probe” radio program heard on over 600 radio outlets (including the USA Radio Network, Moody Broadcasting Network, Bott Radio Network, and American Family Network).

Daily radio commentaries carried on various broadcast networks (Moody Broadcasting, American family radio, USA Radio Network).

Weekly guest on “Prime Time America” (Moody Broadcasting Network) and monthly guest on “Fire Away” (American Family Radio).

His editorials have appeared in the Dallas Morning News, the Miami Herald, the San Jose Mercury, and the Houston Post.

His radio commentaries have been syndicated by International Media Services, United Press International, and the USA Radio Network.

Has appeared on programs such as the The 700 Club, the MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour, Focus on the Family, Beverly LaHaye Live, and Bible Answer Man.


Blue Key National Honorary Society (1974), Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in Religion, Who’s Who in the South & Southwest, and Who’s Who in Writers, Editors, and Poets. He has served on the boards of Pine Cove Conference Center, Aim for Success, Just Say Yes, and Probe Ministries.



  • A Brief Defense of Christianity
  • Arguments for the Existence of God
  • God and Evil
  • World Religions
  • Bible Difficulties

Current Issues

  • A Christian View of Social Issues
  • Biblical View of Economics
  • Business and Ethics
  • Christian View of Government and Social Action
  • Computers and the Information Revolution
  • Crime and Punishment
  • Death and the Afterlife
  • Drug Abuse
  • Feminism
  • Futurism
  • Homosexuality
  • Media and Media Bias
  • Time and Busyness
  • Welfare Reform

Medical Ethics

  • Abortion
  • Euthanasia
  • Genetic Engineering
  • Artificial Reproduction


  • Certain Truth in an Uncertain World
  • Developing a Christian Worldview
  • Developing a Philosophy of Life Worldview
  • God and Evil
  • What are the Major Worldviews?

Political Science and History

  • American Governmental Institutions
  • American Political Theory
  • Declaration and the Constitution
  • Foreign Policy
  • Christian Roots of the Declaration and Constitution
  • One Nation Under God
  • Divine Providence
  • Thanksgiving


  • Creation and Evolution
  • Origin of the Universe
  • Origin of Life
  • Origin of Diversity
  • Science and Earth History

Family and Society

  • Adultery
  • Affair Proofing Your Marriage
  • Christian View of Trends
  • Civility
  • Communication in Marriage
  • Divorce
  • Going to College Without Going Astray
  • Homosexuality
  • Leisure and Entertainment
  • Margin
  • Marriage Test
  • Media and Your Child
  • Teaching Your Child Independence
  • Temptation and a Biblical Response
  • Temptations Men Face
  • The Baby Boomer Generation
  • Verbal Abuse

Men’s Retreat Topics

Temptations Men Face

  • Temptation to Go It Alone (Friendships)
  • Temptation to Be Macho
  • Temptation to Go Crazy (Midlife Crisis)
  • Temptation and Holiness

Biblical Manhood

  • Cultural Circumstances
  • Biblical Friendship
  • Discovering Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Lessons from a Fallen King

1 Samuel

  • Tale of Two Families (1 Samuel 2-4)
  • God of the Second Chance (1 Samuel 15)
  • Biblical Friendship (1 Samuel 18)
  • Seeking Gods Will (1 Samuel 23)

Broken Branches on Your Family Tree

  • Abraham-Sarah-Isaac
  • Isaac-Jacob-Esau
  • David-Absalom

PowerPoint Presentations

  • Authority of the Gospels
  • Basic Christian Evidence
  • Bible – Politics
  • Bible – Economics
  • Bible – Environment
  • Bible Difficulties
  • Biblical Manhood – Biblical Friendship
  • Biblical Manhood – Cultural Circumstances
  • Biblical Manhood – Temptation to Go Crazy
  • Biblical Manhood – Temptation
  • Bioethics in the 21st Century
  • Campus Christianity
  • Certain Truth in an Uncertain World (Postmodernism)
  • Christianity and Culture
  • Corporate Scandals
  • Creation-Evolution
  • Current Trends
  • Da Vinci Code
  • Declaration and Constitution: Christian Roots
  • Defense of Christianity
  • Environment
  • False Teachers-False Teaching
  • Genetic Engineering
  • Government Ethics
  • Human Nature
  • Integrity
  • Intelligent Design Movement
  • Islam
  • Israel, Iraq, and the Middle East
  • Margin
  • Measuring Morality
  • Media and Worldviews
  • Missionary Trends
  • Moral Dilemmas
  • One Nation Under God
  • Personhood and the Beginning of Life
  • Personhood and the End of Life
  • Stem Cells
  • Stress and Margin
  • Ten Commandments
  • Terrorism and Just War
  • Thanksgiving
  • The Existence of God
  • The New Absolutes
  • Trends in the 21st Century
  • War of Worldviews
  • Why Wait Until Marriage?
  • Workplace
  • World Religions
  • Worldviews


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