Laredo (TX) Apologetics Conference
November 15-16, 2024
Probe Ministries held a two-day apologetics conference in Laredo, Texas on November 15 and 16, 2024. Below are links to videos, outlines of the Powerpoint presentations our speakers used, as well as PDFs of the slides.
(In all transparency, we are very much still learning how to live stream and how to record and edit videos. We apologize for technical glitches that produce some less-than-stellar videos, but we hope you’ll agree that something is better than nothing!)
Understanding Worldviews |
Outline |
Slides |
The Apologetics of Peter |
Outline |
Slides |
God, Philosophy and Science |
Outline |
Slides |
Is Jesus the Only Way? |
Outline |
Slides |
The Reliability of the Bible |
Outline |
Slides |
If God Is Good, Why Does He Let Me Hurt? |
Outline |
Slides |
The Answer is the Resurrection |
Outline |
Slides |
Grace and Truth About LGBT |
Unfortunately, technical glitches prevent us from showing the video of Sue’s talk at the conference, but here is same material on homosexuality recorded in a class for high schoolers. You can see her information on transgender on her slides presented at this conference. |
Outline |
Slides |