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DR. MICHAEL GLEGHORNResearch Associate Probe Web Site: www.probe.org Personal Web Site: michaelgleghorn.com |
Baylor University, B.A., 1990 (Psychology)
Awarded Membership in the Golden Key National Honor Society
Dallas Theological Seminary, Th.M. cum laude, 1997
Awarded Membership in Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges, 1997
Nominated by Dallas Seminary for The National Deans List, 1997
Dallas Theological Seminary, Ph.D. in Theological Studies, 2018.
Christway Academy, Duncanville, TX
Prior to coming on staff with Probe he taught the following courses: U.S History I and II, World Geography, World History, Old Testament Theology, and Christian Philosophy and Competing Worldviews.
Probe Ministries, Plano, TX
His responsibilities at Probe include writing articles for Probe’s daily radio program and website, developing various apologetics-related curricula with other Probe staff, answering e-mail theology questions, and teaching at Probe conferences and other speaking engagements.
Ancient Evidence for Jesus from Non-Christian Sources
The Reliability of Kings and Chronicles
Christ and the Human Condition
Reasonable Faith
Tradition and Scripture
Prophecies of the Messiah
The All-Powerful God
Those Admirable English Puritans
Historical Criticism and the Bible
Ancient Perspectives on Happiness
The All-Present God
Hume’s Critique of Miracles
C.S. Lewis, the BBC, and Mere Christianity
A Pilgrim’s Progress: Suffering in the Life of John Bunyan – A Christian View of Suffering
Augustine on Popular Culture: Ancient Take on a Modern Problem
Exploring God’s Relationship to Time
Did Christianity Borrow from Pagan Religions?
There is a God
Dealing with Doubt in Our Christian Faith
Gospel Truth or Fictitious Gossip?
Problems and Promises of Petitionary Prayer
Did Jesus Really Perform Miracles?
Redeeming the Da Vinci Code
Crime and Punishment – A Christian View of Dostoevsky’s Classic Novel
The Gospel of Judas [Michael Gleghorn]
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: Reflections on Its Meaning
C.S. Lewis and the Riddle of Joy
Why We Shouldn’t Hate Philosophy: A Biblical Perspective
History and the Christian Faith
The Law of Rewards
The Urantia Book – A Biblical Worldview Perspective
UFOs and Alien Beings – A Christian Worldview Response
Reiki: A Christian Perspective
Wicca: A Biblical Critique
Yoga and Christianity: Are They Compatible?
Astrology: Do the Heavens Declare the Destiny of Man?
Evaluating Miracle Claims
Philosophical Taoism: A Christian Appraisal
Putting the Brakes on Human Genetic Engineering
Probing the Shroud of Turin
Taoism and Christianity
The Worldview of Edgar Cayce
Was Jesus Really Born of a Virgin?
Evaluating Miracle Claims
Communicating with the Dead
The Self-Understanding of Jesus
God Space: Where Spiritual Conversations Happen Naturally