Sue Bohlin


Associate Speaker and Web Site Administrator

Suite 2000

2001 W. Plano Parkway

Plano TX 75075

Phone: (972) 977-8301

E-mail: [email protected]

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Personal Web Site:

Sue Bohlin is an associate speaker and Web Site Administrator with Probe Ministries. She attended the University of Illinois, and has been a Bible teacher and Christian speaker for over thirty years in addition to being a professional calligrapher. She is a frequent speaker for MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) and for Stonecroft Ministries (Christian Women’s Clubs), addressing the subject “How to Handle the Things You Hate But Can’t Change,” based on her experience with childhood polio. Sue serves on the board and as a speaker for Living Hope Ministries, a Christ-centered outreach to those dealing with unwanted homosexuality. She also serves on the Women’s Leadership Team for and is a regular contributor to its Engage Blog. She and her husband Ray, Vice President of Vision Outreach for Probe Ministries, have two grown sons.

Probe Publications


Angels: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

Answering the Big Questions of Life

Bible Literacy Quiz

Creation & Evolution Q&A for Kids

Dungeons and Dragons and FRPGs

Evidence for God’s Existence

Four Killer Questions

Homosexuality Q&A

Homosexual Myths

The Internet

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

Ten Lies of Feminism

Why Dr. Laura is (Usually) Right

A Short Look At Six World Religions

Worldproofing Our Kids

The Value of Suffering

Harry Potter

Can Homosexuals Change?

5 Lies the Church Tells Women

Protecting Your Family on the Internet

Boys Are From Mars, Girls Are From Venus: Raising Gender-Healthy Children

Myths Christians Believe

Same Sex Marriage

The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands

Tuning Up Your Baloney Detector: Learning to Think Critically

Trash Your Marriage in 8 Easy Steps

Your Work Matters to God

What God Says About Sex

The Dark Underside of Abortion

The Galapagos Islands: Evolution’s Sacred Ground

100 online photos with accompanying text of Ray and Sue’s trip to the Galapagos Islands with the Institute for Creation Research in May 2003

Contributing author, Marriage, Family and Sexuality: Probing the Headlines that Impact Your Family, Kregel, 2000.

Probe Lectures




Four Killer Questions


Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

Cherishing Your Child’s Gender

Protecting Your Family on the Internet

Raising Godly Sons and Daughters

The Value of Suffering

Why Marriages Fail


Worldviews: What Is True?

Evidence for the Existence of God

The Deity of Christ

The Authority of the Bible

Is Jesus the Only Savior?

The Problem of Pain and Evil

Women’s Retreat Messages

[Click here for descriptions of topics]

How to Handle the Things You Hate but Can’t Change

Seeing Ourselves from God’s Perspective

Learning To Give Thanks as a Way of Life

Changing Our Negative Self-Talk

Forgiving: Being A Woman of Grace

A Gentle and Quiet Spirit

The Power of Being a Woman

Seven Secret Passions of Woman

Obstacles to the Wellspring of Joy

An Accurate View of God

Unpack Your Bags, This Guilt Trip Is Cancelled!

What Are You Doing Pushing That Porsche?

Look in the Mirror, Your Royal Highness!

Standing at the Foot of Niagara Falls


The Value of Suffering

Thinking Like Jesus Does

Good and Angry

Becoming an Encourager

Communication in Marriage

Your Work Matters To God

3-Part Series “Daughters of the King: Bring On the Bling!”

Daughters of the King: What does it mean to be a princess?

Real Bling: What are true riches?

Bling Tarnish: What diminishes the brightness of God’s glory in us

4-Part Series on Prayer

4-Part Series on Inductive Bible Study and Colossians

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