Byron Barlowe blogs about the his city’s Anti-Discrimination ordinance intended to give full recognition to the LGBT community at...
Archive for category: Politics and Faith
Kerby Anderson summarizes the efforts currently underway to implement a gay agenda in our public schools, identifying some of the...
Kerby Anderson provides a biblical worldview perspective on capital punishment. He explores the biblical teaching to help us understand...
Religious Neutrality and Our Schools The last century has seen a purging of both religious influence and information from...
Dr. Lawrence Terlizzese answers a common question of a Christian view of politics and government: How would a biblical...
President Obama recently gave public support to gay marriage. How do we respond from within a biblical worldview? Some...
June 30, 2011 I was having a conversation recently about the reason so many students turn away from the...
Mar. 9, 2010 The email below titled “Should Christians Respect Obama?” was forwarded to me. Perhaps you’ve seen it...
June 10, 2009 I was asked to put together a few resources for the high school grads at church....
On its surface, the process of educating our children appears to be fairly straightforward. First, you must determine what...
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