I’m a senior at __________ in Agricultural Business Management. In one of my Range classes the professor has laid...
Archive for category: Probe Answers E-Mail
Grace and peace to you, Dr. Bohlin: I am a returning college student and a home-schooling parent. In my...
Over the past couple years at my church some people had left for various reasons and I found myself...
I was told by a man who is a new Christian that he quit smoking this past fall through...
I am a freshman college student. A New Testament class professor said that Paul, James and Peter disagreed with...
Revelations 22:18 states that, “I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book; if...
Greetings! I would like to receive some godly insight as to the job description of a deacon. I have...
First I want to thank you for your article Did Moses Write the Pentateuch?. Would you please elaborate on,...
I have one question on that has me completely perplexed. Question 31 asks where the Wise Men found...
There’s a controversy brewing over the “gender-neutral” TNIV Bible. What is your position? You know how gospel means “good...
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