I am writing you in order to possibly get some advice on something that has been laboring me for...
Archive for category: Sexuality Emails
I am engaged to a born again Christian who is not a virgin. Does the Bible say anything about...
I’m wondering if the bible addresses the issue of sexuality after marriage. Is sex only for pleasure acceptable once...
Is oral sex a sin? Does it constitute having sex? Can you have and give oral sex and still...
A person I love very much was diagnosed as being HIV positive. He was infected at the age of...
Dear Dr. Bohlin, I read your article regarding sexual purity, and I am forever grateful to God that He...
Can you recommend some books that would be appropriate to use to help teach our childern about the birds...
In your site you talk about how all forms of sexual activity is a sin and that the bible...
I have a serious problem I would like to ask your opinion about. My brain-damaged wife has been unconscious...
Is it a sin for a married couple to masturbate during sex? In many cases a woman can’t get...
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