In the TV show The Six Million Dollar Man, Lee Majors played Steven Austin, a crippled astronaut who was...
Archive for category: Theology and Philosophy
The Youth Transition Network has released the results of research about why 70% of students in high school youth...
This week (July 6, 2010) my husband and I are back in the Chicago area, where we both grew...
Examining Our Cultural Captivity – A Christian Look at the Impact of Popular Thought on the Church
Steve Cable,Steve Cable looks at the current epidemic of cultural captivity as a repeat of the concerns introduced by the...
Michael Gleghorn examines Hume’s influential critique of miracles and points out the major shortfalls in his argument. Hume’s first...
dear world, if i’m just a walking sac of chemicals, then there’s no such thing as miracles and caring...
In his song “Time in a Bottle,” Jim Croce sings about wishing he could capture and contain time so...
Dr. Patrick Zukeran presents a summary of four of the major approaches to interpreting the book of Revelation and...
Written by Probe Ministries Administrator Question: This is a very interesting topic, The Apologetics of Jesus. What inspired this...
For any speaker, cross-cultural teaching is challenging. So when Pat Zukeran and I were asked to participate in two...
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