Steve Cable looks at the current epidemic of cultural captivity as a repeat of the concerns introduced by the...
Archive for category: Worldview & Philosophy
Michael Gleghorn examines Hume’s influential critique of miracles and points out the major shortfalls in his argument. Hume’s first...
dear world, if i’m just a walking sac of chemicals, then there’s no such thing as miracles and caring...
Written by Probe Ministries Administrator Question: This is a very interesting topic, The Apologetics of Jesus. What inspired this...
Does what we believe matter, or just that we believe? A study recently released by the Pew Forum on...
Written by David Pattillo and Michael Gleghorn Introduction Why does time flow the way it does? Can we alter...
Did Christianity Borrow From Pagan Religions? – Early Christianity and Other Religions
Dr. Daniel Morais and Dr. Michael Gleghorn,The Da Vinci Code and related contemporary non-fiction books make the claim that Christianity was a hodge podge of...
Biblical Principles How can we apply a Christian worldview to social and political issues? I would like to set...
Rick Wade explores how we hear echoes of a supernatural voice calling us through justice, relationship, beauty and spirituality....
Don Closson writes that developing a Christian worldview impacts both how we think and how we act. It can...
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