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STEVE CABLESenior Vice President Suite 2000 2001 W. Plano Parkway Plano TX 75075 (972) 941-4563 E-mail: [email protected] Probe web site: www.probe.org
Steve Cable is the Senior Vice President of Probe Ministries. He speaks for Probe conferences and writes for the national Probe radio broadcast. He also assists in developing strategies to expand the impact of Probe’s resources in the U.S. and abroad. Prior to joining Probe, Steve spent over 25 years in the telecommunications industry. Steve and his wife Patti have served as Bible teachers for over 35 years, helping people apply God’s word to every aspect of their lives. Steve has extensive, practical experience applying a Christian worldview to the dynamic, competitive high-tech world that is rapidly becoming a dominant aspect of our society.
Steve grew up in Carlsbad, New Mexico. He has been married to his wife Patti since 1976. They have three daughters, three sons-in-law, and four grandchildren. They are members of Prairie Creek Baptist Church, Plano, Texas.
Rice University, B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Math Science, magna cum laude
Rice University, Masters in Electrical Engineering
Southern Methodist University, Post graduate courses
Rockwell International, Executive Training
Honors: National Merit Scholar, Phi Beta Kappa, Tau Beta Pi, George Brown Engineering Scholarship
Steve has been actively involved in Christian ministries since becoming a Christian at the age of 16. In college, he was active in both Campus Crusade for Christ and the Baptist Student Union (BSU). Through the BSU, he spent the summer of 1976 as a student missionary in Bangladesh. This experience contributed to a lifelong commitment to world missions and a global ministry vision.
For the past 35 years, Steve and Patti have been continuously involved in pastoring and teaching adults. This ministry has included leading ministries to young single adults and to engaged/recently married couples. Steve currently serves as a Bible teacher, a deacon, Missions Team member, and an ESL teacher at Prairie Creek Baptist Church in Plano, Texas.
Prior to joining Probe, Steve spent 27 years in the telecommunications industry as a communications systems engineer and in executive management.
In 21 years with Rockwell International, Steve led the design and fielding of communications systems for government and commercial applications. During his tenure with Rockwell, Steve held positions in engineering and executive management. In 1985, Steve was named Engineer of the Year for his division.
After leaving Rockwell, Steve spent 6 years as a corporate officer of ViaSat producing innovative satellite and other communication products that enable fast, secure, and efficient communications to any location.
Steve’s career in telecommunications allowed him to be involved in forefront of some of the technologies shaping our world: the Internet, mobile telephony, GPS and satellite communications. As VP/GM for ViaSat Broadband Systems, Steve was instrumental in harnessing satellites to bring broadband Internet connections both to commercial airline flights and to under-served homes and businesses around the globe.
His business experience includes providing services around the globe in collaboration with many foreign companies. Steve has worked directly in many countries including Australia, France, Thailand, Germany, the United Kingdom, Korea, Luxemburg and China.
Cultural Captives: The Beliefs and Behavior of American Young Adults
Probe Website Articles and Radio Transcripts
Apologetics and Evangelism
The Bible: Intentionally Misunderstood
The Qur’an From a Christian Perspective
The Answer Is the Resurrection
Crossing the Worldview Divide: Sharing Christ with Other Faiths
A Christian Purpose for Life – Proclaiming the Glory of Christ
Breaching the Barriers of Islam
The Apologetics of Peter – A Logical Argument for the Deity of Christ
Apologetics and the Age of the Universe
Theology vs. Science or Theology plus Science?
Are We Significant in This Vast Universe? – The Evidence Supports Belief in God
Is Theistic Evolution the Only Viable Answer for Thinking Christians?
Emerging Adults and Evangelicals
The Rise of the Nones – Reaching the Lost in Today’s America
Trends in American Religious Beliefs: An Update
The True State of American EvangelicalsEx-Christians: Ways to Bring Back the Leavers
Complete in Christ and Captive to Empty Deception
Emerging Adults and the Future of Faith in America
Examining Our Cultural Captivity
Emerging Adults: A Closer Look at Issues Facing Young Christians
Emerging Adults Part 2: Distinctly Different Faiths
Is This the Last Christian Generation?
Cultural Issues
Darwinism: A Teetering House of Cards
Seeing Through News Media Bias: Exposing Deception and Proclaiming Truth in a Age of Misinformation
The Development of Modern Culture – Critical Role of Christianity Downplayed
One Christian Perspective on the Immigration Reform Debate
Procrastination: Conquering the Time Killer
Oprah’s Spirituality: Exploring ‘A New Earth’ – A Christian Critique
The Golden Compass: Pointing in the Wrong Direction
Blog Posts under Cultural Research by Steve Cable
Religious Affiliation of American Emerging Adults: 1996 to 2014 [July 25, 2018]
Religious Beliefs and Advanced Degrees [June 21, 2018]
Changing Religious Affiliations from Childhood to Young Adulthood [April 21, 2018]
Nones: Are Not Mostly Christians Who Are Unaffiliated [January 17, 2018]
Update on Nones: Continuing to Dominate the Developing American Religious Scene [December 17, 2017]
Western Europe: Religious Practice [September 15, 2017]
Western European Religious Makeup [August 2, 2017]USA and Mexico: Cultural and Ethical Belief [July 23, 2017]
United States and Mexico: Religious Practice [July 3, 2017]
U.S. and Mexico: Biblical Worldview Lite or God-focused Worldview [March 25, 2017]
World Values Survey: U.S. and Mexico Religious Makeup [March 16, 2017]
Muslim Beliefs on Sexuality [October 23, 2016]
Basic Religious Beliefs of Worldwide Muslims – Part 2 [August 27, 2016]
Comparing Religious Practices of Worldwide Muslims and American Christians [July 28, 2016]
Basic Religious Practices of Worldwide Muslims [July 17, 2016]
Basic Religious Beliefs of Worldwide Muslims [July 3, 2016]
Biblical Worldview Beliefs from PALS Survey of 2012: No Rebound Seen [May 1, 2016]
Biblical Worldview Beliefs as Seen in the Faith Matters Survey of 2011 [Apr. 24, 2016]
An Update on Pluralism in America [Apr. 3, 2016]
Changing Hispanic Demographics and Religious Affiliation [Mar. 27, 2016]
Hispanic Religious Affiliation in 2014 [Mar. 20, 2016]
“Nones” are Not Christians Who Choose Not to Identify with a Specific Tradition [Feb. 21, 2016]
Born-again Protestants Make Up Only 20% of Our Emerging Adult Population and That Number is Trending Down [Feb. 14, 2016]
Trend Indicates Over Half of Emerging Adults Will Identify as Non-Christian by 2020 [Jan. 31, 2016]
Powerpoint Presentations:
Marriage with a Purpose
Celebrating the Difference – Male and Female
Increasing Intimacy Through Conflict