Sept. 9-13
How Reason Can Lead to God – Part 1
by Dr. Michael Gleghorn
Sept. 9 Introduction Listen Online
Sept. 10 The Blob of Everything Listen Online
Sept. 11 Probing the Foundation Listen Online
Sept. 12 Eternal Power Listen Online
Sept. 13 Implications Listen Online
Right-click to download the whole week as a single mp3 Podcast


Sept. 2-6
Digging Our Own Grave: The Secular Captivity of the Church
by Rick Wade
Sept. 2 Our Real Enemy Listen Online
Sept. 3 Stages of Subversion Listen Online
Sept. 4 Forces of Modernism Listen Online
Sept. 5 Some Characteristics of Subversion Listen Online
Sept. 6 A Wrong Way to Respond Listen Online
Right-click to download the whole week as a single mp3 Podcast


Aug. 26-30
Worldviews Through History
by Kerby Anderson
Aug. 26 Roman Worldview Listen Online
Aug. 27 Transformation of the Pagan World Listen Online
Aug. 28 Christianity and Politics Listen Online
Aug. 29 The Renaissance and Enlightenment Listen Online
Aug. 30 The Modern World and Christianity Listen Online
Right-click to download the whole week as a single mp3 Podcast


Aug. 19-23
Are We Significant in This Vast Universe?
by Steve Cable, read by Dr. Ray Bohlin
Aug. 19 Why Is the Universe so Vast? Are We Truly Insignificant? Listen Online
Aug. 20 A Biblical Perspective of Humankind and the Vast Heavens – Part 1 Listen Online
Aug. 21 A Biblical Perspective of Humankind and the Vast Heavens – Part 2 Listen Online
Aug. 22 A Scientific Perspective of Humankind and the Vast Universe – Part 1 Listen Online
Aug. 23 A Scientific Perspective of Humankind and the Vast Universe – Part 2 Listen Online
Right-click to download the whole week as a single mp3 Podcast


Aug. 12-16
Grace and Truth About LGBT
by Sue Bohlin
Aug. 12 What Does God Think About LGBT? Listen Online
Aug. 13 Cultural Lies vs. God’s Truth Listen Online
Aug. 14 Transgender – Part 1 Listen Online
Aug. 15 Transgender – Part 2 Listen Online
Aug. 16 Why Have So Many Christians and Entire Churches Become Pro-Gay? Listen Online
Right-click to download the whole week as a single mp3 Podcast


Aug. 5-9
Cohabitation and Living Together
by Kerby Anderson
Aug. 5 Introduction Listen Online
Aug. 6 Test-drive Relationships and Other Myths Listen Online
Aug. 7 Cohabitation and Perceptions Listen Online
Aug. 8 Consequences of Cohabitation Listen Online
Aug. 9 Cohabitation and the Bible Listen Online
Right-click to download the whole week as a single mp3 Podcast


July 29-Aug. 2
The Value of Christian Doctrine and Apologetics
by Dr. Michael Gleghorn
July 29 Introduction Listen Online
July 30 The Value of Christian Doctrine Listen Online
July 31 A Defense of Christian Apologetics Listen Online
Aug. 1 The Value of Christian Apologetics Listen Online
Aug. 2 Our Witness to the World Listen Online
Right-click to download the whole week as a single mp3 Podcast
July 22-26
Heresy: Nothing New Under the Sun
by Kerby Anderson
July 22 Introduction Listen Online
July 23 Legalism Listen Online
July 24 Gnosticism Listen Online
July 25 Mysticism Listen Online
July 26 Marcionism Listen Online
Right-click to download the whole week as a single mp3 Podcast

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